Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for He issued His command, and they came into being. - Psalm 148:5

My Mission

          Why do artists create art? Why do songwriters write songs? What makes people more creative than animals? We were made in God’s image, and God is a creative being. I paint to please God and God alone. I paint to bring glory to the Father; to express a part of His nature in a way that resonates with the human soul. The Holy Spirit is my closest friend, and He has enabled me to capture His creation on canvas in order to testify about His creative power to the lost and dying world. The world needs the Holy Spirit; they need to know that God loves them and fervently desires that they repent of their sins so that He can give them eternal life. Jesus gave His life for the sinner... what tremendous love, mercy, and grace has been given to those who will humble themselves and turn to the Father! Many turn from His love as if it were a commodity, never once considering where they will end up after death. Their sin has led them astray and made them destined for hell, which is waiting in anticipation and opening its fiery mouth wide for the many who choose that way. Those who have rejected the Son of God will be sent to the place of tremendous torment... and justice will finally be served. If one will repent and turn to God before hell has already consumed them, He will reveal himself to them and pluck them from the trap of sin. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead symbolized how a person has new life in the Spirit after God has washed that individual with His mercy. I paint out of revelation and understanding of this fundamental truth, and my greatest longing is for others to recognize this truth as well. Painting used to be more of an obligation. Now it is nothing more than an act of surrender to the Holy Spirit. To be honest, I paint only by the wisdom He gave me. No aspect about any of my paintings was I able to do without the Holy Spirit to guide my hand. My prayer is that He uses my hand and the words that He puts in my mouth to convict the unbeliever by causing them to see the beauty of God’s creative power captured reverently within my paintings. The essence of my existence, the reason why I am alive, is to bring glory to God. He may do whatever He wants through me in order to rescue at least one more soul from the teeth of hell. God will give His Spirit to those who repent and this will seal their redemption.

          The Fire of the Holy Spirit comes alive to breathe upon the sinner and convict them, showing them their need for repentance. They are filled with darkness, and they need that cleansing flow to wash away the sin from their life. The love of the Lord is so beautiful, so glorious, so extensive, and so powerful that the heavy burden of sin and guilt falls submissively under the great glory of the Eternal King. The love of the Lord is stronger, deeper, and wider than any person can understand through human wisdom. It is so strong that it pierces the darkness of the human soul with heart-trembling fear and aching love, worshipful lips and soul-stirring, identity-changing revelations of the Son of God. The magnetism and intensity of falling in love with Him far outweighs the weight of the Universe, and His glory is stronger than the gravity of a billion stars.

          Pleasing God is my goal. Glorifying Him is the foundation of my existence. I paint to express the creative power of God. As I surrender to the Holy Spirit, He breathes upon the canvas, bringing life to what would otherwise be dead.
